About us

We are 2 independent developers exclusively of Loutam game. Together we have more than 54 years of experience as players of different genres, on numerous platforms (but mostly rpgs and mmorpgs), 33 years as programmers, 31 years as 2D and 3D graphic artists (1 year paid), 23 years in data processing (2 of which are paid and trained at a technical level in one of the first and most reputable institutions in Curitiba-PR) and 1 year as maintainers of reputable mmorpgs servers (not including Loutam's servers).

In 2004 we released what we can call “the first version of Loutam”. An IRC bot(pirch) that obeyed commands on the IRC chat system, on the Brasnet network, on the #lutar channel and by private messages. Handling everything we can call a “game” (but in reality it was just a bot with a database): visual effects, battle dynamics, shop and inventory through the text mode of the IRC platform. Most of Loutam's races, and much of its history, were designed for this bot.

In July 2016 we started the planning and acquisition of equipment for the development of Loutam. But only in July 2018 we started working effectively on Loutam available on the platforms presented on this website. And since then our leisure is to develop Loutam in a continuous way and leveraged by the dissatisfaction with the mmorpgs market, the famous... Don't you like it? It does better... We are trying and even with all the limitations, our priority in developing Loutam is to make it the best and definitive mmorpg! But it stands to reason that we hope to at least survive on its revenue someday.

We call ourselves Fanda Entertainment, but we still don't have registration in the commercial board, because the game Loutam is still not self-sufficient even with the low fixed cost and we wouldn't be able to afford this bureaucratic burden in the country we live in. Also for this reason, we never dedicate exclusive time to production, we only consider it a leisure that may generate revenue in the future. Also for this reason, we still can't make Loutam available on platforms: IOS, MacOS, Steam, Windows Store, and who knows, maybe one day Playstation and Xbox. Not only because of all the devices needed for testing the builds, but also because some of them (or maybe all of them) have a high cost of distribution and operation outside our budget, which in some cases reaches the absurdity of US$ 100.00 per year. ... which is higher than Loutam's current total fixed cost, including hosting the servers and maintaining the domain.com.

So hardware donations/fee waivers from companies: Apple, Microsoft, Steam and Sony. They would be greatly appreciated and included in our history.

Unfortunately, platforms from the Nintendo company are not in our planning, as they are not compatible with the Unity development system.

Unfortunately, we do not intend to increase our number of maintainers, and in the future, owners of “Fanda Entertainment”, however we are willing to work freelance and paid with 2D, 3D artists and video editors, models, digital influencers, advertising producers. , independent or not, that can help us in the graphic and advertising development according to our plans and guidelines, for a remuneration that fits our present and/or future budget, through the granting of copyright of any and all material, as well as specified in our terms of service for players who send us material of their own, on a voluntary and unpaid basis.

Any problem, doubt, suggestion, criticism, proposal, report bugs, request for technical support, will be very welcome and answered manually and humanely, according to our availability of time and/or volume, through the email: csc@loutam.com

Help us to offer you the best experience, if you find language errors or translation errors on our website/game into your native language, please let us know via email: csc@loutam.com